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Day in the Life Film

Day in the Life Film

Day in the Life Film


Day in the Life – this is a new session option this year!  As a mom of teenagers I know just how fast time really does fly.  It’s those little everyday things that one day you’ll want to look back on and be reminded of all the beautiful…and not so beautiful moments that will one day become a distant memory.  Getting ready in the morning, family breakfast, the drop offs, practice, coming home from work, making supper, bedtime, my goodness there is a lot that goes into a day!  We’ll pick and choose what’s most important and I’ll be a fly on the wall capturing it all…even the meltdowns…cause let’s face it, that would truly make it a day in the life.

Day in the Life Sessions include 100+ digital images, 6-10 minute film, 16×20 print of your choice & photo album designed by licia!

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This is an all inclusive session where we will spend the day capturing the moments you want to hold onto for years to come. They always say time flies, and being a mom of teens, I now know this to be true. I try to think back on those rushed mornings, Lucy learning to read, Jackson exploring the woods and I now wish I could have those moments documented. You NEED these moments documented! Don’t worry about cleaning the house, or picking out the perfect dress or the kids fighting. A Day in the Life Film is meant to capture the raw, true and authentic family moments.  This package comes with 100+ digital images, photo album and a 5-10 minute film.


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