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Here we go 2021!

Here we go 2021!
February 8, 2021 Alicia Betram

Happy New Year
from my crew to yours!

Happy New Year!  We made it to 2021!  I don’t know about you but I’m so excited for 2021.  2020 wasn’t all bad for us.  We learned to slow down, enjoy time as a family on the water and we sold our house!  We move out mid April and until our next house is built I’ll be without a studio.  We don’t quite know where our roots will be planted (staying in Alexandria though) but until then I’ll most likely be working out of our fish house – feel free to say a prayer for me 🙂

This past year I was wrapped in love by all of my fabulous clients!  When times were looking rough, YOU pulled through and booked that family session.  When you weren’t sure if graduation was even going to happen, YOU allowed me to capture that milestone through film.  I am so beyond thankful for each and every one of you.  If your session didn’t happen in 2020, I’d sure love to make it happen in 2021.  This year is proving to be one for the records with half of my calendar already booked out.  Again, my cup overflows.  This year, family sessions will be all about telling your story and capturing what’s important to you!  We’ll be sure to choose a meaningful location or do something that is uniquely you!  It’s not always about that perfect picture (though we’ll be sure to get it), this year is all about how you feel when you’re together – cue the sappy music!

For example our family this year had our film done up at Itasca State Park! It’s a tradition we started a few years ago. I created a Moving New Years Card out of it and would love to share it with you!  It is my goal to create these for film clients in 2021.  How easy would that be?!  Simply upload your Moving Card to social media!  No addressing envelopes, no stamps, no stress!

Ever think about what memory you wish would have been captured on film when you were a child?  Was it swimming at the family cabin, a family vacation, or just snuggles with your mom & dad?  Simply click REPLY and tell me your story!

Bertram Family Moving New Years Card
I would be honored to tell your story through photo & film this year.
Let’s make the memories last for years & years!



licia marie